Mumbai, India – Integrated media agency dentsu X has won the digital mandate for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company Dabur India. According to its head for media Rajiv Dubey, they are happy to join hands with dentsu X, an agency that they consider has been responsive to Dabur’s needs and appreciative of their brand vision and way of working.
“Over the past few years, the world has increasingly evolved towards digital transformation. As a result, digital marketing has now emerged as the go-to solution for brands and companies. Dabur has been ramping up spends on digital exponentially in the past few years, with brands creating special digital-only content,” Dubey said.
Meanwhile, Divya Karani, CEO for South Asia media at dentsu said, “We are ecstatic to partner with Dabur, a brand that invokes implicit trust in the minds of its consumers. Dabur is synonymous with impeccable quality and omnipresent across Indian households.”
Lastly, Roopam Garg, CEO at dentsu X India, added, “It is the people, tech and tools of dentsu X that address and answer ‘the why beyond the what’. We are extremely excited and look forward to a deep partnership with Dabur, to drive business outcomes in the short and long term.”
Other mandates that dentsu X have won include Reckitt India and Roca Parryware.