New York, USA – Global social media platform Twitter has announced the roll-out of a new feature called ‘Communities’ which now allows users to tweet to specific communities where they want their tweet or content to be seen, whether it is the skincare community or the large online community following cryptocurrency trends.
In a latest blog post, David Regan, staff product manager at Twitter, notes that ‘Communities’ are still publicly available so anyone can read, quote tweets, and report community tweets.
“We want to continue to support public conversation and help people find Communities that match their interests, while also creating a more intimate space for conversation,” Regan said.
Currently being tested out on iOS and web app versions, ‘Communities’ are managed by moderators who pick the focus, create the community rules, and invite the people who will make it a great place for conversation.
“Think of Communities as places created for conversation where the vibe and tone is set by people who share the same interests and want to have relevant conversations,” Twitter said in a press statement.
Moderators set the community rules and can also invite others to moderate their space to keep things on track and focused. Right now, Community creation is limited but in the coming months, Twitter will allow more people to create Communities so everyone can talk about their ‘thing’, whatever it is.
Some of the initial Communities Twitter is testing surround popular conversations on Twitter. Examples include dogs, weather, sneakers, skincare, and astrology, with many more to come, reflecting more of the thriving and niche discussions on Twitter. Right now, one have to be invited to a Community by a moderator or another member, but the platform will be adding more ways to discover and allow others to join Communities soon.