Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – In conjunction with Chinese New Year (CNY), which will be celebrated on 1 February, banking institution RHB has launched a new campaign film, aimed at inspiring Malaysians that the ‘good’ can start from one person.
As a preface to RHB’s new ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) aspirations, the film, which was created in collaboration with advertising agency FCB Malaysia, humanizes a crucial environmental issue and brings a pivotal lesson to life via a heartfelt story of a young boy and his father, who both have different views of what a small spark of action can do
Titled ‘A Spark for Change’, the film tells the true story of a fishing village that faced a waste management crisis due to its inaccessibility and the irresponsibility of its residents in managing their litter. A group of 10-year-old kids took up the responsibility and cleaned up the entire fishing village, inspiring all the villagers to be more mindful of their waste and litter.
Abdul Sani Abdul Murad, RHB Group’s CMO, believes that progress is often sparked by those who are bold enough to take the first step to bring change to the world, inspiring others with their actions to do the same.
“That is how we can make the world a better place, and that is what ‘Together We Progress’ is all about. Hence, ‘A Spark for Change’ is more than just an environment story; it’s an origin story of progress,” said Murad.
Meanwhile, James Voon, FCB Malaysia’s associate creative director, said, “We had to strike a fine balance between education and emotion, and thanks to our production partners at PRS and GT Records, the story was perfectly and beautifully told.”
Ong Shi Ping, FCB Malaysia’s co-owner and chief creative officer, shared that people can start something good and inspire others around us to do the same.
“As we are in the midst of rebuilding our communities and lives together, I think this lesson is more relevant to us now than ever,” said Ping.
The campaign is already running across all RHB Bank’s social and digital channels.