In a conversation with Azadeh Williams, founder and managing partner at AZK Media, she talked about her path to founding AZK Media including previous stints as a global journalist, lecturer, and living out her passion for marketing and public relations before finally deciding to establish her own.
“It all started with a laptop, myself, and a dream. [After two years], [my spouse], a design and technology professor and investor, and I formed a partnership and [hired a slew of talented people]. [And now] we’ve served [plenty of clients] from all over the globe,” she shared in the ‘Empowered Women’ interview.
Azadeh emphasised, “Before I was a journalist, I was also a lawyer and being a lawyer really helped me understand accountability, transparency, contract negotiation, a lot of the wider business setup and structures that you really do need to be able to set up a framework and scale a business.”
During the interview with Azadeh, we asked about her most challenging experience as a mother and as a professional, and she shared, “My husband and I, we have a very modern relationship. I feel like [being a good example] for our daughter, [will help her understand] that we’re definitely pushing all the boundaries that are what is expected from women and men in relationships and in business.
“You know, when you’re servicing clients around the world across nine different time zones while also trying to spend meaningful time with your family, I believe delegating is a necessity. That’s for sure,” Azadeh adds.
Listen to the full conversation with Azadeh over on YouTube, where she talks about her leadership philosophy as well as her advice for women marketers struggling in finding a balance between personal and professional life.