India – Online parenting community platform, FirstCry Parenting, has partnered with programmatic digital ad company PubMatic, to make its audience data segments available across PubMatic’s premium inventory. This will be through PubMatic‘s audience data platform, Audience Encore.
FirstCry Parenting boasts a user base of 20 million and engages parents via a wide range of parenting content, from curated video and editorial articles on parenting, which is validated by medical experts, from tracker tools to meal plans and parent forums. Its audience is segmented into expecting parents, parents of infants, toddlers, and school-aged children, enabling advertisers across industries and sectors to connect with the relevant target demographic of their choosing.
Through the partnership, PubMatic will further expand its Audience Encore, which is designed to improve how marketers and data owners transact by aiming to give more control to the data owner and better ROI for the advertiser. Data providers and publishers with first-party data can upload their segments to the platform, generate a Deal ID for single, recurring, or customized use, and then transact programmatically, alongside premium PubMatic inventory in private or open marketplaces.
Moreover, the partnership will enable media buyers to leverage FirstCry Parenting’s rich audience segments across all digital screens and channels, including mobile, connected TV, and the open web on PubMatic’s premium inventory. The direct integration allows buyers to activate data at the supply level which can lead to increasing the campaign performance via improved scale, viewability, and click-through rate.
Supam Maheshwari, FirstCry’s founder and CEO, believes that the combination of PubMatic’s premium inventory and FirstCry’s valuable audience data is a real win for advertisers.
“FirstCry Parenting harnesses the accumulated knowledge and experience of parents on FirstCry for several years, making this a complete resource for new families embarking on their parenting journey. Engaging with young families is an opportunity for brands to introduce themselves to a generation of prospective new customers,” said Maheswari.
Amit Yadav, PubMatic’s country manager for South Asia, said that with the prevalence of third-party cookies continuing to decline and consumer privacy paramount, it is important for agencies to re-define audience addressability strategies to optimize reach.
He further shared that poor cookie match rates can be addressed when data targeting is applied at the SSP level and passed via a deal ID, which typically represents a multitude of domains.
“Media buyers who use Audience Encore to target high-value segments like FirstCry Parenting’s segments typically report increased efficiency, more control, better transparency, increased scale, higher quality buys, and greater efficacy,” said Yadav.