Australia – KitKat Australia has temporarily replaced its logo to now don bent KitKat sticks formed into a recycling symbol, to encourage consumers to recycle its wrappers. Across the logo, also says a new line, “Recycle me, give the planet a break.”
The initiative is in partnership with Melbourne-based consulting and recycling organization RED Group, in its recycling program REDcycle, which collects soft plastics to be turned into new materials such as benches and fences.
RED Group has installed special “REDcycle” collection points. Aside from KitKat wrappers, any form of soft plastic, through KitKat’s new initiative – such as noodle wrappers, confectionary bags, and cereal or muesli box liners – is also encouraged to be properly disposed of into the special bins.
KitKat encourages a “scrunch test” for people to know how to identify a soft plastic. To do the test, one only has to try to scrunch any plastic into a ball.
KitKat’s manufacturer Nestlé says on its website, that its vision is that none of its packaging, including plastics, ends up in landfills, in oceans, lakes, and rivers.
“We are working hard to deliver on it and help achieve a waste-free future. To achieve this, our commitment is that 100% of our packaging is recyclable or reusable by 2025,” said the company.