Sydney, Australia – Leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform HubSpot is coming out with another World Certification Week, an event it first introduced in 2020, that encourages professionals around the world to dedicate the period of the event to learning by completing certifications at HubSpot Academy. This year’s version has grown into a week-long global virtual event. 

Through the event, the CRM platform will offer live, online learning events and aims to provide an opportunity to take this to the next level by helping participants prepare for the certification exams. 

Something new HubSpot will be offering would be its partnership with the GO Foundation, which will benefit the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia through education, as well as establishing scholarship programs for indigenous people.

Through this campaign, HubSpot donates AUD$5 to an education-focused nonprofit every time a certification is awarded globally for free; certifications secured in Australia and New Zealand will count toward a donation to The GO Foundation, which will be up to AUD$15,000.

In addition, HubSpot and the GO Foundation are currently exploring new ways of working together, including the possibilities of partnering and the development of a bespoke mentoring program and an internship program for Indigenous university students who are interested in a career in tech. HubSpot is also working towards establishing a volunteering program with GO, enabling HubSpot employees in Australia to support GO and its students. 

Kat Warboys, APAC marketing Director at HubSpot, states that they are proud of their work with the GO Foundation, adding that this supports their work in creating pathways and systems for indigenous youth to successfully transition from school and university into the workplace.

“Education and upskilling has always been a priority for HubSpot. Learning and growth is built into our culture, and is something we encourage and support our team to do because we know how important it is for personal and professional development. World Certification Week is a marker of this, and we’re pleased to be able to extend our work with a local initiative to support the GO Foundation in empowering Indigenous youth through education,” Warboys stated.

Meanwhile, Charlene Davison, CEO of the GO Foundation, commented, “The GO Foundation is grateful for the support we will receive from Hubspot during World Certification Week. The donation will have a significant impact on the work we do with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to fulfil their aspirations and enable educational opportunities. We appreciate support from organizations who share similar values and look forward to exploring ways of working together into the future.”

Learners can join HubSpot’s trainer to prepare for their exams, learn alongside peers and learn how to make the most of certifications on resumes and networking profiles. Throughout the event, learners can share their progress with colleagues and friends on social media using the hashtag #WorldCertWeek.