Singapore – Epillo Health Systems, the digital healthcare start-up based in Estonia, Europe, has appointed Indian media company Krescendo Communications to be its integrated communications and alliance partner for Asia, including Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as Malaysia, and India.

Epillo Health Systems is a digital healthcare solutions company that introduces revolutionary technology for patient care by incorporating AI, machine learning, and blockchain. It has Patents Pending Innovations with 153 countries through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and 27 countries of the European Union (EU) through the European Patent Office (EPO).

The partnership will see Krescendo Communications leveraging its influence to help Epilo Health Systems meet its business objectives in its key markets in Asia.

Epillo Health Systems’ Chair of Board Bhupinder Singh shared that they have been working on building a robust healthcare application even before the pandemic broke and this technology solution will enable care teams to deliver better, faster, and deeper connected care. 

“We liked Krescendo’s integrated communications approach for brand awareness and are excited to embark on this journey with them,” said Singh.

Meanwhile, Ganesh Somwanshi, the founder of Krescendo Communications, commented that since their inception, they have been servicing the healthcare industry and embrace constant innovations – like Epillo. 

“It is a great opportunity to work with the brand and help them break the silos in the healthcare space in APAC and other parts of the world. Building a category in the changing health technology industry will be full of challenges, and an integrated communications approach will surely work in this case,” said Somwanshi.

In March this year, Krescendo Communications was also tapped by global software company InfoVision Labs (IVL) to be its new 360-degree marketing communications and alliance partner, and was tasked to build brand awareness and engage stakeholders.

India – Global software company InfoVision Labs (IVL) has recently appointed Indian media company Krescendo Communications as its 360-degree marketing communications and alliance partner, with the aim to build a reputation and engage with stakeholders.

IVL is a startup digital transformation company that provides numerous solutions, such as enterprise mobility, and legacy modernization, as well as cloud migration, and predictive analytics, among others. The company’s digital transformation strategies are planned to ensure that the clients get more than just a new technology.

The partnership will see Krescendo Communications managing IVL’s markets, including Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as India, and the United States, among others.

Ganesh Somwanshi, the founder of Krescendo Communications, shared, “IVL is known as the Apple of India and is witnessing 60% YoY growth. We are delighted to work with these bunch of techies and assist them in building a reputation and in achieving milestones through strategic 360-degree marketing and insight-driven communications.”

Meanwhile, Vinay Barigidad, the managing director of InfoVision Labs, said, “Krescendo’s strategy aligns with our communications goals. As a startup, we have witnessed many success stories and transformed many businesses. With this partnership, we aim to enhance our corporate reputation, and use communication and public relations to reach out to all our stakeholders across the globe.”