Singapore – Insurance company AXA has released a short film, titled ‘Pam’s ‘Perfect’ Life: A Bumpy Ride’, which presents the realities of mothers’ pregnancy journey. , This comes after the recent launch of AXA EmpoweredMum, which is Singapore’s first prenatal plan.
In the short film, the viewers are taken to the journey of pregnancy through main character Pam. In the film, the progress and milestones of pregnancy are initially narrated from an idealistic view, which is then broken by her own practical and honest account about the realities of pregnancy, putting to light its hardships that are not often known by others.
“Life is full of interruptions. What’s important is to be prepared for tough times so we can ensure a better life for ourselves and for our child,” said the film.
AXA said the ad aims to portray a realistic description of the pregnant life and to raise awareness on the importance of long-term financial planning in raising a family.
AXA’s first prenatal plan provides an early delivery by cesarean section benefit for mothers and a free first-year health insurance cover for newborns.