Australia – State Trustees Australia, the State Government-owned company that provides tailored services to clients and supports Victorians to protect their legacy and financial wellbeing, has appointed global digital and conversational agency Versa in Australia, to be its conversational AI agency partner.

Through the partnership, Versa was tasked to deliver a pilot customer service project, which aims to improve operational efficiencies, customer satisfaction, and employee productivity. 

Following the completion of the project for the State Trustees Personal Finance administration team, the agency will now be embarking on a pilot for Trustee Services customers.

In addition, the agency has also finished an initial automation project for Wilson Parking Australia’s IVR system and is now managing the delivery of subsequent IVR updates.

State Trustees’ Executive General Manager Michael Spiegel shared that one of the reasons they were attracted to Versa was their test and learn approach, which is aligned to everything they do at State Trustees – ensuring they collect the data needed to make informed decisions before moving forward and rolling out a project. 

“The discovery process has given us the ability to analyze detailed customer insights, expose opportunities for optimization, and the best approach for customers and staff. We have already seen some quick wins for our team,” said Spiegel. 

Meanwhile, Dale Smith, the national manager of customer experience at Wilson Parking, said, “We are excited about the improvements conversational AI and augmentation can deliver to our contact center. We look forward to working with Versa further to bring the benefits of a blended approach using both automation and our human resources to our customers and our customer service teams.”

Versa’s CEO Kath Blackham commented that they are thrilled to be working with State Trustees and Wilson Parking on projects that will build and support customer service and customer service teams by using technology to augment and help humans be happier and more productive in the workplace.

“It is a really exciting time for Versa and the wider industry with increased uptake in conversational AI technology in a range of sectors,” said Blackham.

In April this year, Versa launched a navigation-less and bot-activated website –, which utilizes AI-powered conversational bot technology, allowing visitors to ask for what they want using voice or text, without having to search for it.