Malaysia Warner Music Malaysia has named Dinesh Ratnam as its new managing director. He will be reporting to Chris Gobalakrishna and Jonathan Serbin, co-presidents of Warner Music Asia in this capacity. He will be a member of the regional executive team for Warner Music, where he will also play a crucial role.

Ratnam, who is based in Kuala Lumpur, will be in charge of overseeing Warner Music’s operations in Malaysia. He will oversee initiatives for strategic growth and work to improve the company’s market presence.

Ratnam offers years of experience from the content, technology, and entertainment sectors to his new role by drawing on his extensive industry background. He was part of the global expansion of iQiyi, a premium video on-demand streaming service, before he joined Warner Music.

In his time in iQiyi, he was the country manager for Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei and worked as a senior director in the international business department there. Ratnam played an important role in the expansion of iQiyi in Southeast Asia by helping to establish the company’s presence there. 

Ratnam previously held a number of key positions at iflix, a video-on-demand service. He was helping in corporate development, business management, and the expansion of iflix’s operations in Malaysia during his time there. He also worked as a director in the CEO’s Office at Catcha Group, one of Southeast Asia’s internet groups. In this role, he was in charge of the group’s technology and media investments in Southeast Asia. 

At J.P. Morgan, Ratnam started his career as an investment banker. He worked for Morgan in the San Francisco and London offices. He focused on the media, telecommunications, and technology industries and offered advisory services for a range of transactions.

Speaking about his appointment, Ratnam said, “I am honoured and excited to join Warner Music Malaysia. Music is the heartbeat of modern media, weaving together stories, experiences, and emotions in ways that resonate with audiences, making it pivotal in shaping contemporary culture. This is a remarkable opportunity to collaborate with a talented team and further elevate the visibility and success of our artists both locally and globally.” 

He added, “I firmly believe in the immense potential of Malaysian music talent to further cultivate profound influence and impact beyond just the shores of the country. I look forward to leveraging Warner Music’s rich catalogue and resources to create new avenues for growth and innovation.” 

Meanwhile, Gobalakrishna said, “With its vibrant diversity and immense talent, the Malaysian music scene serves as a vital hub for cultural exchange and artistic expression. Dinesh’s appointment signifies our dedication to nurturing this thriving ecosystem. With his wealth of experience and innovative approach, we are confident that Dinesh will play a pivotal role in amplifying the influence of Malaysian music, fostering collaboration, and unlocking new opportunities for our artists across the region.”

Serbin expressed, “We are thrilled to have Dinesh on board. His extensive experience, strategic mindset, and passion for the industry make him a valuable addition to our leadership team. We have every confidence that Dinesh will play a vital role in driving Warner Music’s continued success in Malaysia.”