India – RepIndia, the digital agency based out of India, is slowly moving beyond its home country with two new client acquisitions from Singapore-based brands Tazapay, and Rotimatic. Tazapay is a leading international escrow platform for cross-border trade, while Rotimatic is an automated kitchen appliance brand.

RepIndia said that the new accounts are aligned with its vision to establish a name in international regions like Southeast Asia, the US, and the Middle East.

The newly acquired mandates pertain to SEO for Tazapay, while the agency will be responsible for the online reputation management (ORM) and SEO of Rotimatic. The development into international markets, the agency said, is a natural progression of its business having already established a strong foothold in India and having worked with over 400 leading brands and clients so far in the country.

For RepIndia, the two Singapore-based brands represent a growing market in the country that is looking to elevate their digital presence and build a stronger customer connect.

Archit Chenoy, RepIndia’s CEO, said that its foray into the global markets has only just begun, with its exposure to market leaders and disruptors like Rotimatic and Tazapay a true accolade.

“We look forward to our partnership and our continued expansion in Singapore,” said Chenoy.

Meanwhile, Rahul Shinghal, Tazapay’s CEO, commented, “We are impressed by the expertise that RepIndia has built over the years in the domain of SEO. With the kind of clients and businesses they have worked and achieved successes for in the past, I am confident that they are the right fit to augment Tazapay’s digital presence and increase the brand’s visibility in order to help us meet our business objectives.”

Pranoti Nagarkar, the CEO and co-founder of Rotimatic, also commented, “Rotimatic has made a huge difference to the lives of thousands of customers across the globe, having overcome the challenges in supply chain, we want to take it to the next level and prepare to launch in India. This is where we would like to partner with the super-efficient and highly energetic RepIndia team that excels in ORM and SEO for our global markets and India.”