India – Latest ad from an Indian brand passes through our radar armed with a silly and comic punch. Lupin’s OTC brand Lupizyme Plus for gut health tells a documentary-style narrative of a man’s life with a unique gift – listening and interpreting the problems of the gut.
Dubbed the ‘Gut Whisperer’, the ad is conceptualized by Contract Advertising and takes viewers on a journey of how the man’s ‘gift’ helped people who suffered from gut and stomach problems – ultimately directing them to relief through the real ‘ustaad-ji’ of gut problems – Lupizyme Plus.
Anil Kaushal, head of OTC business at Lupin, said that in order to take the brand to the next level, it’s important to make it a conversation leader.
“This idea is the next step in that regard, to build engagement with our audiences, start conversations and make the brand top of mind when it comes to gut health,” said Kaushal.
Supratik Sengupta, head of marketing of Lupin’s consumer healthcare, commented, “Breaking the norms of a category is always challenging. But this idea managed to weave in the voice of the brand with the need to tell the Lupizyme story in a disruptive, yet relevant and engaging way.”
Sagar Mahabaleshwarkar, chief creative officer of Contract Advertising, vouches for the appeal of a documentary and says that the story of a life told in this way injects a different level of engagement.
“And with the Gut Whisperer, we got a chance to disrupt traditional OTC communication conventions. And with Lupin, we had a great client who immediately saw the potential of this idea,” said Mahabaleshwarkar.
Lupin’s Lupizyme Plus is available as a tonic, capsule, and tablet and contains a PRO-Body formula that stimulates the body’s natural digestive process to provide relief from indigestion.