India – Digital agency RepIndia has appointed Ipsita Kuthiala, former account director at advertising agency Cheil India, to be its new senior account director of client strategy.
Kuthiala brings with her over 10 years of experience in the industry, working with some of India’s top advertising agencies and notable brands such as Samsung India, Canon India, and Honda 2 Wheelers, as well as British Council, among others. In her past experience, she has been involved in projects which required expertise in integrated marketing, brand strategy, communication, digital and e-commerce advertising, and content and influencer management.
In her new role, Kuthiala will be closely working with the creative and strategic leadership to deliver innovative campaigns for prominent national and international brands.
On joining RepIndia, Kuthiala commented that she is excited to lead the client servicing team across regions.
“In my new role, I look forward to moving the needle alongside the team by creating insightful & data-driven strategies that will help us deliver end-to-end marketing solutions for our clients,” said Kuthiala.
Archit Chenoy, RepIndia’s CEO, noted that Kuthiala on board will take their client strategy domain to the next level through innovation and tech.
“We look forward to unlocking multiple opportunities, both for the company and our clientele, on the back of Ipsita’s stellar experience with strategic transformation of so many leading ad agencies,” said Chenoy.
Just recently, RepIndia has also announced the appointment of Guru Mishra, former director of buying at creative firm Isobar, to be its new vice president of media, where he will be bolstering the agency’s media planning and buying pipeline by delivering innovative solutions to clients across digital.